Yelp releases a series of new AI-powered features

Yelp releases a series of new AI-powered features

Yelp has just announced its Winter Product Release 2024, introducing over 20 new features and updates aimed at enhancing the user experience and providing valuable insights for both consumers and business owners.

The release includes a range of AI-powered features, such as business summaries that offer quick insights into a business and recognitions that celebrate and distinguish passionate reviewers. Additionally, the update brings a new visual home feed and search experience to facilitate easier discovery of local businesses.

Furthermore, the service experience has been enhanced with improvements to "Request a Quote" and new "Projects" features, making it simpler to find the right service professional and efficiently complete projects.

The revamped business owner experience delivers valuable market and competitive insights, while AI-powered smart budgets provide useful recommendations to optimize ad spend, helping local businesses grow and better compete in their markets.

For restaurant owners, Yelp has integrated with third parties to give Yelp Guest Manager clients access to the largest restaurant consumer network in the U.S. These new features demonstrate Yelp's commitment to providing a seamless and engaging platform for users to connect with great local businesses in their community.

The company's focus on harnessing AI and enhancing the user experience underscores its commitment to remaining at the forefront of the industry and providing innovative solutions for its community.